Friday, April 17, 2009

I finially admitted that I run!!!

I don't know if I have ever mentioned that both of my husbands parents run. I signed up for this 5k in November I think or maybe December I can't really remember but I was too scared to tell them I was attempting to run. I guess I was scared because I soooo sucked in the beginning and I was scared to tell them in case I gave up like I do with everything else.

But guess what??? They came to visit us and we took my son for a walk and they were talking about the race coming up, the one that I am in, so I figured it was my perfect opportunity to tell them.

My father in law thought I was lying haha. My mother inlaw was so happy that I started running. My father inlaw believed me after I answered all his questions, the ones I wanted to avoid all along, but they weren't too bad.

The good thing is that now I have something in common with then, something to talk about Phhew. I wonder if I will like this race enough to enter another? I know they are hoping.
Oh and my father in law asked my husband if he was going to be there with little man at the finish line and it looks promising. He must understand how important this is for me, I am glad he mentioned it.


  1. That is wonderful that you all have something in common. I really hope that your husband and son are able to come watch you. :)

  2. You will absolutely LOVE the 5K experience-- I just recently picked up running myself. I am training for a half marathon at the end of May. To help get in shape, a few weeks back, I registered in a 5K recently, ran it-- and fell in love with these events. They are sooo much fun. Everyone has a great time and the post parties are great! I am already planning to run a 5k each weekend leading up to the half marathon-- Good luck to you-- come check out my blog sometime if you get bored :)
